Spider Woman from Marvel
Emerald City Comic Con 2014
Photos by Fearless Photoworks


- Matte stretch vinyl
- Spandex
- Elastic
- Mesh
- Gel insoles
- Worbla


Oh boy, this was the first jump into full body suits for me. I had a friend help me with the pattern (I didn't want side seams on my hips/legs) and the rest was just straight sewing! I picked up all the fabric from a local spandex shop. I liked the idea of a matte vinyl-looking fabric next to that classic spandexy sheen, and the white stretch mesh I got for the webs was perfect. I found some elastic by the yard and top stitched it down on the suit at the end.

The mask was make of Worbla that was covered in fabric. The lenses came from Etsy (I did not buy them so I don't have a link!) I didn't have a wig handy, so I just went with my hair and let me tell you, not wearing a wig for once was heavenly.